Intro Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
Jan-May 1947
Section 12
May-Nov 1947
Section 13
Dec 1947-April 1948
Section 14
Evacuation 1948
Stand Down
July 1948

Pages in Section 11

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1947 Bombing of the Jewish Press Office

i. Dov Gruner's Trial

ii. Haifa Police Station Bombed

iii. Op Polly

iv. Bombing of the Jewish Press Office

V. The Beginning of the End

vi. Executions and Funeral

vii. Irgun Frees Acre Prisoners

The bombing of the Northern District Police Compoundin Gaifa had a significant effect on all members of the British section of the Palestine police. As David Ben Gurion said, when referring to Irgun and Stern Gang attacks on the army and police, 'It is hard for a man not to become an anti-semite when Jews target him and kill his comrades.'

One man who failed to keep his impartiality was John Hanson (Jack) May. He was the only one charged with bombing the Jewish Agency Press Office at 5 Ben Yehuda Street on March 17th. He had made certain that the building was empty before detonating his device so there were no deaths or injuries. It did, however, cause significant property damage.

The Irgun put out a statement almost immediately saying the bombing was the work of the British.

In reply Mr Stubbs, the Public Information Officer, called it an incredible accusation saying, 'We are here to combat terror not to produce it.

Some weeks later this sentiment was repeated when DSP Jack Bourne told Jack at his Maktab, “You came here to help solve a problem, not to make one.'

Some writers suggest that Jack May committed the act not only as retribution for the deaths of his colleagues but also in response to an open letter to Jewish insurgents by Ben Hecht, a prominent playwright, novelist, journalist and film maker. The letter contained the following passage.

"Every time you blow up a British arsenal, or wreck a British jail, or send a British railroad train sky high, or rob a British bank, or let go with your guns and bombs at the British betrayers and invaders of your homeland, the Jews of America make a little holiday in their hearts.

This theory unfortunately fails to take into account:

  1. That Ben Hecht did not write that letter until May 1947
  2. That the Palestine Post did not publish that letter
  3. That the Palestine Post condemned the letter when it was published in an English newspaper

A more likely explanation for Jack May departing from the habitual princples of the British section of the Palestine Police was grief over the murder of his best friend in the terrorist attack on the Northern District Police Station in Haifa.

The Beginning of the end    

Text - Copyright British Palestine Police Association